Friday, June 25, 2010

Exercises for low back pain

Lower back exercises can reduce risk of lower back pain and injury. Lower back pain hits many people both old and young. The back is one of the most overused and under strengthened parts of our body. Our back is used for simple things like lifting, twisting, walking and even sitting. This overuse of the back can eventually cause lower back pain.

Strengthening the core muscles, which include the lower back, abdominal and hip flexors, can help reduce risk of lower back injury and alleviate lower back pain.

Core Strengthening Exercises

If you currently have a back injury, you should consult with your doctor before attempting any exercise routine. However, if you do not have a back injury and want to help reduce risk of injury and pain, then try some of these lower back strengthening exercises.

Lower Back Exercise 1 Quadruped Lift

This exercise really focuses on the lower back.

Start in a doggy position with both hands and knees on the ground.
Begin this exercise by reaching your right arm straight out in front of you.
At the same time lift the left leg straight out behind your.
Repeat this several times and switch sides.

You can also perform this exercise by alternating sides each time.

Lower Back Exercise 2 The Bridge

This exercise works several core muscles including the lower back.

Start by lying down on your back with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle.
Place your lower back and feet flat to the floor.
Lift your rear end off the floor keeping shoulders on the ground. As you lift contract and tighten your abs and buttocks.
Hold for a count of 5 then slowly return to starting position.
Repeat this move several times.

Calf Muscle Pain

Generally sports persons have more chances of getting calf pain. The games like basket ball, running, hurdles, long jump, rugby, football soccer etc, where stretching is necessary, may increases the chances of calf muscle pain.

Improper way of exercise and stretching of muscles are main cause of calf pain. Sometimes putting sudden stress on calf muscle when they are not ready of stress and a direct blow on the calf muscle can also lead for calf pain. In spite of these, excessive running on steep hills, deficiencies in calcium, minerals, magnesium and dehydration are the other reasons of getting the calf pain.

Symptoms of Calf Muscle Pain

1.Stiffness through exercise – Sometimes there is stretching with some micro tearing of muscle fibers which are known as Grade 1 muscle strains. These are easily curable after treatment of at least 3 weeks of duration. Sometimes stretching may lead to Grade 2 Muscle strain where you may find partial tearing of muscle fibers.

Lower Back Exercises for Men

Lower Back Exercise for Men 1: Take a swiss ball. Lie straight on your back on the floor. Place your legs on the swiss ball in such a way that your knees are at right angles. Raise your left leg above the swiss ball. At the same time, raise your right arm. Hold the posture for 2-3 seconds, and then bring them back down. Now, raise your right leg and left arm simultaneously in the same manner as above and stay in this posture for 2-3 seconds. Repeat both the postures alternatively for a count of 12-14.

Lower Back Exercise for Men 2: Lie flat on the stomach with your hands on the sides. Move your hands in front, and with their support, lift your body off the floor to a height that is comfortable to you. You can extend your body a bit backwards to get some support in lifting. Stay in this position for about 25-30 seconds. Come back to the starting position. This is known as one of the best lower back exercises for back pain for men.

Lower Back Exercise for Men 3: Lie straight on your back with your hands on the sides. Stretch your hands out on their respective sides. Now, move your left leg over the right one so that it comes parallel to the right hand. Do not try too hard as it is tough to do for beginners. Go only to the extent that you find comfortable. Stay in this position for about 5-8 seconds. Return back slowly to your starting posture. You will find ease in performing this exercise correctly with practice.

Lower Back Pain Exercise

• Ankle pumps- moving your ankles up and down while lying on your back
• Heel slides- slowly bending and straightening your knee while lying on your back
• Abdominal contraction- lying down on your back. Tighten your abdominal muscles to squeeze your ribs down toward ground.
• Wall squats- stand while leaning against a wall. Bend both knees to 45 degrees but keep your abdominal muscles tight.
• Heel raiser- raise upon your heels and down.

Intermediate lower back pain exercises

• Single knee chest stretch- lying on back, both knees straight. Bring one knee up toward your chest.
• Hamstring stretch- lying on back with holding one of your thighs in air.

Upper Back Pain Exercises

Today's sedentary lifestyle has lead to many health problems, mainly a pain in the upper back. Many people complain about problems like upper backaches. Thus, exercises for the upper back have become necessary to avoid any kind of permanent damage to the spinal cord or the adjoining back muscles.

Upper Back Pain Exercises
Following are some easy to do upper back exercises. Regularly performing the exercises will definitely help in the long run, to lead a healthy life.

Arm Slide
In this exercise, one has to place his back against a wall. Arms need to be placed against the wall, with palms facing outwards. The exercise includes raising and lowering the arms in order to stretch the upper back muscles. The exercise should be repeated 20 times.

Scapular Squeezes
The arms should be held up at the side of the body and elbows bent, in order to perform this exercise. The palms face in the forward direction during the exercise. The arms should be stretched backwards as much as possible.

Thoracic Extension
The exercise is performed while sitting in a chair. Hands are held behind the head in a way that they clasp the head. In this position, the back is arched backwards. This should be done slowly. The back should be brought to the original position slowly and gently. It thoroughly exercises the back muscles.

Middle Back Pain Exercises

There are many causes of middle back pain. In most cases, middle back pain is a result of strain or sprain in back muscle, or because of some traumatic injury. Bad posture, wrong exercises or excess workout can also cause middle back pain. The most common cause for back pain is slipped disc. If you are suffering from severe back pain, it is recommended that you consult a physician before trying out these exercises.

Kneel down and keep your toes straight. Slowly touch the ground with your head. Even if you are not able to touch the ground with your head, just bend as much close to the ground, as you can. Stretch your hands and touch the ground. Your arms should touch your ears. There is a variation in this position. Instead of stretching your hands to the front, you can stretch them backwards and clasp your palms. Slowly touch your head to the ground.

Stick Exercise
Stand up straight. Take a stick and stretch your hands and hold the ends of the stick. Hold the stick at the back, just under your neck. slowly rotate to the right side. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds, repeat the same procedure for your left side too.

Stretching is very good for all muscles (not only the middle back ones). If you have a muscle pain, regular stretching of your muscles will definitely help. Stand straight with your legs a bit apart. Extend your arms on the sides. The arms should be straight, stretched and not folded. Now slowly turn to your left side, without moving your feet.