Friday, June 25, 2010

Lower Back Exercises for Men

Lower Back Exercise for Men 1: Take a swiss ball. Lie straight on your back on the floor. Place your legs on the swiss ball in such a way that your knees are at right angles. Raise your left leg above the swiss ball. At the same time, raise your right arm. Hold the posture for 2-3 seconds, and then bring them back down. Now, raise your right leg and left arm simultaneously in the same manner as above and stay in this posture for 2-3 seconds. Repeat both the postures alternatively for a count of 12-14.

Lower Back Exercise for Men 2: Lie flat on the stomach with your hands on the sides. Move your hands in front, and with their support, lift your body off the floor to a height that is comfortable to you. You can extend your body a bit backwards to get some support in lifting. Stay in this position for about 25-30 seconds. Come back to the starting position. This is known as one of the best lower back exercises for back pain for men.

Lower Back Exercise for Men 3: Lie straight on your back with your hands on the sides. Stretch your hands out on their respective sides. Now, move your left leg over the right one so that it comes parallel to the right hand. Do not try too hard as it is tough to do for beginners. Go only to the extent that you find comfortable. Stay in this position for about 5-8 seconds. Return back slowly to your starting posture. You will find ease in performing this exercise correctly with practice.

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