Friday, June 25, 2010

Middle Back Pain Exercises

There are many causes of middle back pain. In most cases, middle back pain is a result of strain or sprain in back muscle, or because of some traumatic injury. Bad posture, wrong exercises or excess workout can also cause middle back pain. The most common cause for back pain is slipped disc. If you are suffering from severe back pain, it is recommended that you consult a physician before trying out these exercises.

Kneel down and keep your toes straight. Slowly touch the ground with your head. Even if you are not able to touch the ground with your head, just bend as much close to the ground, as you can. Stretch your hands and touch the ground. Your arms should touch your ears. There is a variation in this position. Instead of stretching your hands to the front, you can stretch them backwards and clasp your palms. Slowly touch your head to the ground.

Stick Exercise
Stand up straight. Take a stick and stretch your hands and hold the ends of the stick. Hold the stick at the back, just under your neck. slowly rotate to the right side. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds, repeat the same procedure for your left side too.

Stretching is very good for all muscles (not only the middle back ones). If you have a muscle pain, regular stretching of your muscles will definitely help. Stand straight with your legs a bit apart. Extend your arms on the sides. The arms should be straight, stretched and not folded. Now slowly turn to your left side, without moving your feet.

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