Friday, June 25, 2010

Calf Muscle Pain

Generally sports persons have more chances of getting calf pain. The games like basket ball, running, hurdles, long jump, rugby, football soccer etc, where stretching is necessary, may increases the chances of calf muscle pain.

Improper way of exercise and stretching of muscles are main cause of calf pain. Sometimes putting sudden stress on calf muscle when they are not ready of stress and a direct blow on the calf muscle can also lead for calf pain. In spite of these, excessive running on steep hills, deficiencies in calcium, minerals, magnesium and dehydration are the other reasons of getting the calf pain.

Symptoms of Calf Muscle Pain

1.Stiffness through exercise – Sometimes there is stretching with some micro tearing of muscle fibers which are known as Grade 1 muscle strains. These are easily curable after treatment of at least 3 weeks of duration. Sometimes stretching may lead to Grade 2 Muscle strain where you may find partial tearing of muscle fibers.

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